Article Details

Occupational Stress and Mental Health Issues: Among MNC’S and Government Sector Women Employees | Original Article

Asha H.*, Sreenivas M., in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Stress in the present situation is considered to be universal phenomenon and people in almost all walks of life. Stress at work is a wide-spread phenomenon with far reaching consequences. The job stress is considered as having the harmful physical and emotional response. Sound health makes sound mind, adds to happiness of a person and leads to be more productive. Before the second half of the twentieth century, mental health was considered as the absence of mental disease but now, more positive connotation, not only as the absence of mental illness but mentioned as the ability of a person to balance one’s Desire and Aspirations, to cope life stresses and to make psycho-social adjustments.. Stress has a cost for individual in terms of Health and Wellbeing for organization in terms of, poorly motivated, less productive and less safe at work, absenteeism, labor turnover, low production etc. Employees are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress of their work place. We cannot have a stress-free life. Stress cannot be avoided but only managed by implementing various stress management programme, physical activity, planned in job design, life style modification programme, stress counselling etc. To make mind stress free and more productive. Keeping above points in the view A study was conducted on 200 women employees working in Bangalore. Sample consists of 100 women working in MNC’s and 100 women working in government organisation. Their occupational stress was assessed by administering occupational stress index developed by by A. K. Srivastava and A. P. Singh. Their mental health was assessed by using employee mental health inventory developed by Dr. Jagdesh. A Suitable stastical technique was used to analyse the obtained results