Article Details

Climate Change and Global Warming (Pollutant Emission Control and Environment Protection) | Original Article

Pardeep .*, Seema Rani, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


For some decades, the whole world’s climate is affected due to continual growth of population and technical development. From the starting age of industrial revolution, man has been continuously using the natural resources day by day. The quality of different type harmful noxious gases is increasing in the atmosphere day by day due to excessive use of natural resources. Environment pollution is a wide reaching problem and it is likely to influence the health of natural population. This paper provides the insight view of the effects of environment pollution in the perspective of air, water and soil waste pollution on human, animals and plants in various types of diseases and problem. The buildup of Greenhouse gases will lead to significant change in the weather patterns in the near future leading to Global Warming. and the further warming of the Earth surface threaten catastrophic consequences such as rising of Sea levels, submersion of many islands, melting of small land-based glaciers and disruption of oceans food chain and flooding in many low lying coastal areas and harvest loss etc.