Article Details

A Study on Cooperative Sector Banks in India: Problems & Prospects | Original Article

Indira R.*, Paramashiaviah ., in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


This paper intends to analyze the problems prospects of Indian cooperative sector banks it’s relevance for Indian economy. The co-operative sector over the years has made significant contribution to various sectors of national economy and has achieved voluminous growth. Co-operative banks play an important role in the economy of India. These Banks also contribute the major part in the India’s banking and financial system. The role of cooperatives banks in Rural and Urban areas has been increased in a Ample part nowadays because of increase of primary co-operatives and their main role of financing both rural and urban area is increasing day by day. However, it has shown weaknesses in safeguarding the interests of the members and fulfillment of objects for which these institutions were organized. Except for a few successful cooperatives, the cooperative movement in India has failed to bring about a transformation of the rural economy. This paper is an attempt to address some of the problems being faced by the Cooperative sector banks in India.