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Indian Industries during the British Period | Original Article

Amit .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Before the British rule, India was self-sufficient in industrial production but during the British rule, India fell down to the positive of supplier of raw material to British industries. The period of 18-19 century was recognized for the industrial revolution in Europe, this rapid development of industries required more markets for the goods. To fulfill the requirement of European industries the development of Indian industries was controlled and affected to a large extent by policies of British government. All the policies implemented by the British government had a deep impact on the Indian industries as well as on Indian economy. At that time of British rule textile, cotton, silk, and handicrafts were the main industries in India. At the starting phase of British rule these industries were mainly in the hand of Indians, the decline of these Indian industries was started at the end of the eighteenth century. The present study illustrates the status and development of some important industries of India during British rule.