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A Study of an Algorithm for Capacitated Transportation Problem | Original Article

Dev Kala*, Ashwini Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In this paper an algorithm was introduced for capacitated transportation problem with n-subscripts. The theoretical and algorithm bases of the classical two-index transportation problem have been formulated by several world famous researchers like F.L. Hitchcock, G.B. Dentzig, L.V. Kantorovich and M.K. Savourine…during the period 1940-1960. Most of the developments are based on linear programming techniques. The multi-index transportation problem without capacities was introduced by K.B. Heley and W. Junginger [3,4] in 1960-1970. In fact, the capacities of the transportation paths are mathematically modeled as additional constraints to express very important real needs. Obviously, this involves some theoretical and algorithmically compilations which are often difficult to treat in general context. This justify in part, as most absence of significant studies related to capacitated transportation problem with an index greater than two. Here, we focus our attention to the capacitated transportation problem with n-index.