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Theoretical Perspective on Postmodernism in Literature and Use of Contemporary Narrative Technique | Original Article

Gulab .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The present article is an attempt to reflect on new openings and recent developments in literature, literary theory and culture which seem to point postmodernism and raise a question whether what appears as newness is not rather a return to traditional concepts, theoretical premises and authorial practices. Postmodern literature is marked with such typical features as playfulness, pastiche or hybridity of genres, meta-fiction, hyper-reality, fragmentation, and non-linear narrative. Narrative was reduced (in “Ulysses “and in the French nouveau roman). Tendencies have crystallized to shape new genres. One broad grouping is the Meta-fiction, or the novel that exposes conventions only to discard, perhaps by the use of an obviously naïve narrator.