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Developing Attention among Children Suffered with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Original Article

Ravi .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a standout amongst the most widely recognized neurobehavioral disorders of childhood. Children with ADHD have issues with attention span and tend to be in all respects effectively diverted. They experience issues in giving and keeping up consideration over delayed timeframes, alongside trouble in centering and screening the stimulus displayed in their encompassing environment. Successful mediation may improve their attention span after some time, helping them to be progressively profitable in school and at home. The present examination aims to discover the efficacy of a 12-week attention training program for children with ADHD, matured 8-12 years, to improve attention of these children. Following purposive sampling, 15 children with ADHD were chosen for attention training. Baseline assessment of inattention and hyperactivity manifestations of the subjects was done through parent announced rating scale. Attention training was conveyed in individual session and included training module focussed on sustained, selective, alternative, and partitioned attention. Members finished a result evaluation following 12 weeks of training program. Post training there was improvement in attention and reduction in scores of severities in attention scale. Attention training for children with ADHD to improve attention span is viable and could be a piece of comprehensive management plan for children with ADHD.