Article Details

Survey on Optimized Approach for Access Control and Privacy Preserving in Cloud Based E-Healthcare Systems | Original Article

Amruta Patil*, Ali Akbar Bagwan, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In this chapter, the researcher surveyed work done by various researchers in the area of healthcare and cloud computing. In which includes mobile cloud computing, healthcare data security algorithms, and the importance of blowfish algorithm. In the past, healthcare providers have stored clinical records of patients on paper locally. It can be allowed a controlled environment with the clean management of data privacy and security through keeping the paper records in a locked cabin. Even the growing use of personal computers and modern information technology in clinical establishments allowed for a slight attempt to control the privacy and confidentiality of individual medical records. It was because of the decentralized and locally controlled infrastructure of each organization. However, nowadays outsourcing of IT infrastructure (e.g. Cloud Computing) and other services (e.g. Billing processing, accounting for medical practice) ends in a complex system wherein sensitive information is stored and processed at many exceptional places. For this reason, it will become appealing to store and process healthcare data “in the cloud”. The healthcare monitoring systems promise a more cost – efficient service and quality of best service, the complexity to control data security and privacy will increase.