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Use of Symbolism in Khalid Hosseini’s Novel the Kite Runner | Original Article

Mona Batra*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Symbols and metaphors play an important role in Khalid Hosseini’s novel The Kite Runner. They are used as visual representation to reinforce and put emphasis on important stages and development of the book. As we readers witness major events of Afghan history and socio-political events such as the fall of the glorious days of Afghan monarchy, Soviet invasion and rise of Taliban, through the eyes of two Afghani boys Amir and Hassan, we notice that symbolism becomes a distinctive feature. The pomegranate tree, the slingshot, the bear, the cleft lip--- highlight particular key moments in the story. Gradually as the lives of these two boys begin to fall apart, partially because of the political upheavals in Afghanistan and partially because of their own choices, symbolism becomes a powerful tool in the hands of Hosseini who uses it to the fullest to reveal moral weaknesses and working of human psyche.