Article Details

A Study the Human Rights Facing AI And Legal issues of AI: Gaps, Challenges | Original Article

Astha Garg*, Vipin Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


AI can improve society if used wisely. Furthermore, there is a genuine possibility that commercial and governmental use will have a negative influence on human rights, as is the case with most developing technologies. The objective of this study focuses on how gaps challenges in AI will be addressed, as well as how these issues may affect fundamental human rights concepts. These problems include algorithmic openness, cyber security flaws, unfairness, bias, perception, lack of contestability, problems with legal personhood, problems with intellectual property, negative effects on workers, problems with privacy data protection, liability for harm, lack of accountability. In order to better understand key areas of concern direct risk impact mitigation measures to safeguard human wellbeing, the analysis will use the concept of vulnerability.