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An Analysis the Big Data Security Based on Hadoop Framework using Hybrid Encryption Technique | Original Article

Vijay Kumar Yadav*, Anoop Kumar Chaturvedi, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Cloud integration helps in distributing data over different cloud storage and helps application programs to access and process data using different computation mechanisms. Hadoop is based on two main modules Mapreduce for processing and generating large data sets and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storing data on distributed clusters. Hadoop has been commonly accepted in the field of cloud computing where resource utilization and system performance require an excellent task scheduling mechanism. AES- 128 in ECM mode will be used to encrypt the OTP algorithm's key, which will then be used to encrypt HDFS data blocks utilizing the suggested technique. Using the OTP algorithm, we can ensure that the plaintext the asymmetric key are the same length (i.e., 128 bits). Using encryption decryption with a variety of keys, cryptographic methods are largely used to protect data on the cloud. Hybrid-Key Stream Cipher Mechanism is a proposed method (HKSCM). Python will be used for the actual implementation of the proposed algorithm. For practical implementation we use Linux OS, Containerization, various Clouds platforms.