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E-Commerce and Online Business Data-Driven Marketing | Original Article

Santosh Kumar Dubey*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


It is a phrase that refers to the process of developing and implementing advertising plans in consideration of quantitative and qualitative client data obtained through digital analytics as well as other sources. All of these many aspects of marketing form an intertwined and interdependent web. Businesses and online merchants who want to get off to a solid start and stay ahead of the competition are required to adopt data-driven marketing tactics that are at the leading edge. Because of this, data-driven marketing has gained a lot of traction in recent years. Not only can data-driven marketing improve conversion rates, but it also enables marketers to create more engaging campaigns and, most importantly, to increase the amount of money they generate from online sales. First things first in order for companies to properly pitch their commodities to prospective buyers, they need to amass pertinent information on those buyers. In data-driven marketing, rather than relying on an executive's best judgement, the plan is determined by cold, hard facts. It should come as no surprise that data-driven marketing would be of assistance to your e-commerce firm in increasing conversion rates, gaining insights for product development, and monitoring consumer experiences. Putting this concept into action, however, is notoriously challenging.