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The Pessimism of Thomas Hardy Towards Matrimony, Anglicanism, and Society | Original Article

Manisha Adik*, Suresh Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


This research seeks to prove Thomas Hardy's pessimism by analyzing his biography and illustrating how three of his novelsFar from the Madding Crowd, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, and Jude the Obscurereflect real-world events, relationships, and societal difficulties in Hardy's own life. Thomas Hardy was an emotional author who admired strong, self-reliant women. Hardy's final work demonstrates his keen awareness of the world at the end of the Victorian era, including the struggles of women as they adapted from the traditional role of wives to that of new women and suffragette activists who challenged Victorian norms in their quest for equality and recognition. Hardy's pessimism had its origins in his early years, when he realized that his existence was the consequence of an unwanted birth, and continued throughout his adolescence and young adulthood when he realized that his family could not afford to provide him with a formal education. Hardy became more aware of the social divide between him and individuals from more privileged backgrounds as he entered adulthood. When it came to imagining the future role of women in marriage and society, Hardy was decades ahead of his time.The hopeless storylines of these three books were inspired by his hopeless relationships with two women his cousin Tryphena Sparks and his first wife Emma Lavinia Gifford. Thomas Hardy, a writer and poet of the nineteenth century, became known as a gloomy figure due to his experiences in life, including the harsh environment in which he lived, his lack of money, two terrible marriages, and the inability of his final two works to be accepted by his readers.