Article Details

A Study the small organic Molecule-based Low- Dimensional Nanomaterials with Optoelectronic Properties | Original Article

Shruti .*, Vipin Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Over the past few years, research development activity in the vast as well as interdisciplinary field of nanostructure science technology has exploded globally. Furthermore, their strategic place in the 21th century is already set. The field with the earliest beginning most significant successes is the exploration of nanomaterials nanostructures. The study of nanomaterials has received a lot of consideration in both academic industrial research. Nanoscale materials composed of functional small organic molecules are the focus of this review. For organic nanostructures, we look at the various approaches that have been taken. Nanostructures ranging from 0D to 1D are studies.