Article Details

Evaluation of the qualitative factors related to blockchain technology and impact For UAE‘s resident Happiness | Original Article

Mohammad Aamir Rizwan*, Jitendra Singh Rathore, Vimlesh Tanwar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Together with a broad range of other enabling technologies, blockchain generates the genuine value for the populace and the economy. In order to effectively employ artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector, there are a number of challenges that must be solved, including privacy issues, a lack of large-scale, high-quality data sets, the requirement for high dimensionality, high sensitivity, and high specificity. By employing blockchain as the method, the current inefficiency problem in the financial sector may be alleviated. The potential of blockchain technology is already being explored by more than 45 financial institutions. The research showed that this technology is still in its early stages of development. The more thorough analysis, suggestions, and real-world examples. The study addresses both the applicability of blockchain technology and the many initiatives that have been discussed in the UAE and throughout the globe. In the background, there was some conversation concerning the development of BC technology. The most crucial step was to do study to determine how well BC technology will work in the UAE.