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A study the Population Development of Schedule Tribes, Literacy Rate & Family Planning Schemes of Jharkhand State | Original Article

Gunja Kumari*, Manoj Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The word Jharkhand was coined to give a cognitive value to the tribal land of Chotangpur and santhal Pargana of Bihar. Once the cognitive role of Jharkhand was settled, later it was thought that Jharkhand must comprise of its adjoining areas of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West-Bengal. Over a period of time, the name „Jharkhand‟ gained popularity across the land and tribes gradually developed of a feeling of respect for the name „Jharkhand‟. Jharkhand state in India is basically administrative and for implementation of measures to control the rapid increase in population which create problem in the development of our country as well as the state.The adivasis of the Chotanagpur region (Jharkhand) were motivated to define their own independent state by the government's anti-tribal policies. STs are indigenous to the area, get their own distinct culture, are geographically isolated, live in poverty. The primary goal is to improve the overall standard of living for all people. Birth control is a scientifically proven way for a couple to regulate their family size, and this fact is emphasized in family planning.