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Forensic Science has a significant role in the criminal justice system | Original Article

Nidhi Bishnoi*, Uma Shanker Sharma, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In recent times, the use of technology in criminal investigations has been a main achievement in criminal justice advancement. The courts, on the other hand, consider these tangible evidences, which are otherwise unfailing, and evaluate the offender's innocence or guilt with greater precision. The use of technology in criminal investigations has grown inextricably linked to the criminal justice system's efficiency and efficacy.It is a branch of technology that acts inside the constraints of the legal system. Its task is to offer assistance to individuals engaging in investigations as well as accurate statistics to courts to be used in the decision of criminal and civil disputes.Our study’s purpose is to examine the criminal framework that governs the software of Forensic .Science. Furthermore, despite major technological improvements in recent decades, the Function of forensic technological know-how in Indian criminal justice has remain. or limited, as will be investigated in this study. The goal of forensic investigation and trial should be to provide outcomes, so that victims of heinous atrocities obtain speedy redress and justice.