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Manufacturing and Applications of Ceramic Matrix Composites in the Automotive Industry | Original Article

Vishal Kumar*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


A reduction in exhaust emissions, fuel consumption, and vehicle weight is necessary for the advancement of the modern automobile industry at the same time as an increase in safety and vehicle performance. The introduction of new modern materials with increased qualities in place of traditional materials can fulfill these difficult and mutually contradictory conditions. This is a trend that has been going on for a long time and is expected to continue into the next decade. For automobile parts requiring great mechanical endurance and strong resistance to extreme temperatures with a decreased bulk, ceramic-based composite materials (CMCs) are becoming increasingly popular. Many different forms of ceramic base composites are routinely utilized as matrices, including oxide, silicon carbide (SiC), carbon, and others. CMCs are now employed in the production of individual vehicle engine components, valves, turbine parts, exhaust and intake systems, brake disks, and other brake system components, amongst other things.