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Environmental Awareness of Secondary School Students with the Influence of Emotional Intelligence | Original Article

Mukesh Kumar*, Harbans Lal, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Emotional intelligence is divided into four categories. Awareness, Acceptance, Attitude, and Action are the four components. Emotions are aorganicprocedure taking place in the figure and brain, and they remain not necessarily reasonable. Awareness is knowing what one feels. It entails being able to experience a feeling without passing judgement on it. Attitudes are a type of belief that is linked to emotion. When a feeling follows or is coloured by an attitude, these are the times to be aware of. The feeling will last to be felt in the similar direction unless the attitude is challenged. The behaviour taken as a result of emotion and attitude is referred to as action. Educational issues in the age of globalisation need us to change in step with the times, as the country's future development and success is dependent on the education system, leadership, instructors, and students. The age of transition marks the beginning of adolescence. It has a significant impact on the development of a potential individual. It is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Some even claim that adolescence is a time of turmoil and stress. It demands tremendous attention and concern as a period of fast changes in many parts of an individual's life, including physical, social, emotional, and psychological. It is a formal operational stage in which a teenager begins hypothetico-deductive reasoning, according to Piaget. They look into the reasons for each emotion. While huge attempts are made to meet bodily cravings, many people's psychic selves remain deranged. It is a time of development and maturation. The period of adolescence is a time of adjustment to one's parents, peers, teachers, and society. Adolescents are neither entirely developed nor willing to accept adult help. As a result, they struggle to manage their emotions. Emotional intelligence is required for people to be able to control and manage their emotions.