Article Details

Study on Bio-Medical Waste Management and Practical Strategies for Development of Self Awareness | Original Article

Lilambar Jha*, Hazi Mohammad Azamathulla, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Medical caregivers spend the most energy with patients in the ward than any other member of the prosperity group, which increases their exposure and vulnerability to the dangers prevalent in the emergency clinic, which include, in general, biological waste. They should be well-versed in the most recent data, abilities, and practises in controlling this waste, in addition to reducing emergency clinicacquired infections, to ensure their own well-being Aware of the many components of biomedical waste management and to use this knowledge and positive attitude in their daily work. When compared to their previous knowledge and practise prior to the use of the organised instructing programme, this investigation has revealed that the staff medical attendants have a significant increase in their knowledge and demeanour with respect to Biomedical waste administration after completing the organised educational programme. The pre-test and post-test information, as well as the attitude ratings of staff medical caregivers, have a bad positive association.