Article Details

A Study on Profitable of Futures with the Reference to SBI Bank | Original Article

Naveen Prasadula*, in International Journal of Information Technology and Management | IT & Management


New instruments and reengineering of the financial system were introduced in India in 1992 as a part of economic market reforms. One among them was that the growth and innovation were slow in familiarizing Securities. The formation and expansion of derivatives in Indian markets are moderately a latest spectacle. Subsequently its commencement in June 2000, the products need devises displayed epidemicaugmentation in magnitude and the number of bartered conventional agreements. Significant termend product guides an expansive class of financial tools that specifically possess options and futures. These mechanisms emanate their significance from the underlying asset's price and other related variables. They accomplish not having a value of their own and originate their importance from the prerogative they give to their proprietors to own some additional financial support or safety. The present study is deliberate in examining the financial results obeying SBI Bank Ltd.