Article Details

Options of Transport during Parali Burning Period: A Case of Saharanpur Town in Western Uttar Pradesh, India | Original Article

Prabhat Kumar*, Satyendra Kishore, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The swift rise of private motor vehicle use in high-income countries has triggered significant congestion problems in most cities and has also led to high reliance on gasoline, air pollution and high greenhouse gas per capita emissions. However, high increases in car usage and congestion and air pollution are still visible in towns around low-income countries – which have struggled to tackle this increase in traffic transport infrastructure and management. This article discusses the issues facing a relatively small town in India, Saharanpur, with rapid growth in private cars coupled with restricted local potential for expenditure and a high utilization of vehicles not driven by motor cars. The outcomes of field surveys for the five major roads of the city were presented and the high levels of congestion and air quality were highlighted. The paper also provides an alternate scenario that illustrates public transit promotion.