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Integrated Teaching of English Language Skills | Original Article

Ubaid Akram Farooqui*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Pedagogically, the teaching of each language is conceptualized as having four macro skills and naturally, all the four have to be taught and tested with a view to mastering the language per se and not mastering skills in isolation. It becomes all the more important on the part of English teachers in higher educational institutions to integrate all the talents so as to enable learners to raised comprehend and produce language for both academic purposes on the campus and vocational purposes at workplace. In reality, the teaching of Part II English is heavily literature based and there's little difference in pedagogical strategies between Major and Part II English. However, Engineering colleges follow a syllabus which focuses on the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as a part of English for Specific Purposes module. Language laboratory is additionally exploited to an excellent extent for the teaching of certain skills like listening and speaking skills. In contrast, General English Module of Arts and Science colleges has literary representations of all the four major genres of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction plus grammar. However, the objectives of the four courses offered within the first four semesters claim that they aim language skills in spite of the very fact that they aim literary skills of interpretation. There has been neither critical stance on literary curriculum nor complaint against it. during this context, what teachers think, know, and believe about the aim of teaching English which is technically called teacher cognition helps them develop the correct reasonably attitude towards not only teaching of English for communication purposes but also a way to teach it. It is either in isolation or in integrating all the four for achievement of the competency in English as an entire.