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Indian Culture Civilization and Society in the 13th - 14th Century | Original Article

Bablu Kumar Jayswal*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In the 13th -14th years, a crucial cultural convergence in both the Hindu Muslim conceptual frameworks in Northern India. In the 13th century, the emergence of the Delhi Sultanate marked the beginning of a era of modern cultural developments in India. Hindu culture has had an influence on the approach of Islam. Initially, the evangelist Passion of Islam, who was able to switch from the Hindu masses to a distant faith, consolidated nationalism in our roles. Communications among Hinduism Buddhism Islam had began well before Islam had landed in India. Coordinated efforts have been stepped up with the growth of Islam in India. The convergence of the two cultures had an effect on rigid mentalities, and both social and cultural activity had an influence on each other, establishing an Indian lifestyle.