Article Details

Managerial Structure of the Central Co-Operative Bank | Original Article

Sanju .*, Shivji Singh, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In accordance with the Cooperative Societies Act of 1904, many central cooperative banks were set up to provide poorer parts of the nation with resources in both central and semi-central regions. Since National Economic Planning (NEP) began in independent India, the central cooperative banks have been granted a significant role. The cooperative was an important part of the five-year strategies with the arrival of the development phase. Central cooperative banks are the funded government, the government assisted and the financial entity supported by the government in India. The Indian Reserve Bank, National Agriculture and Rural Development Bank, Federal Government and central government provide financial and other assistance. An effort has been made in this paper to coordinate and handle the central cooperating bank, including its related problems and genesis.