Article Details

National Nutritional Support Policy for Primary Education | Original Article

Sarita Kushwaha*, N. Adhikari, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The National Nutritional Support Program for Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was introduced as a centrally funded scheme on 15 August 1995 in 2408 blocks in the country as a dry ration system in accordance with the Constitutional requirement to provide 'Free and Compulsory Education' to children from 6-14 years of age, with the goal of fostering 'Universalization of Elementary Education' The MDM method is presented in the sense of a Freedom Oriented Method and as the opportunity to raise UEE for any child who crosses the boundaries of ethnic inequality, ethnicity , social segregation, gender and others. The goal of the MDM scheme introduced in India is to raise UEE by growing enrolment, participation and retention and to boost the nutritional condition of elementary school students.