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Contribution of E-Governance to the Development of India |

Mohammad Muzzammil, Syeda Shaheda Siddiqui, in International Journal of Information Technology and Management | IT & Management


It is essential for state it work in an effectual manner to ensurethat the public interest of the community is duly met with sustainable growthand progress of the country as a whole. India is a developing country and hascomplete potential of becoming a global super power but this progress is beingretarded by the ineffective central governing system due to expansivegeographical terrains and decentralized government. This can be rectifiedthrough adoption of e-governance initiatives across all the levels of thegovernance both at center and state levels. E-governance has started showingpositive results in the developing economy of India. This indicates towardsprogressive stimulus of the e-governance. This paper has explored thee-governance prospects in the diverse community setup of India especially inthe purview of economic, political and social effects and has identified how ithas implicated the economic, political and social fabric of the Indian societyand transformed it from its conventional deep rooted characteristics. It isright that much has been done but it is also a fact that much more has to beaccomplished moving with even greater pace and sparkle.