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Overview and Comparison of Web Content Management Systems |

Sushil Kumar Maurya, in International Journal of Information Technology and Management | IT & Management


A Web Content Management (WCM) systemfacilitates the publication of content to a website and removes the need for the user to possess technical knowledge of editingHTML files. Such systems allow content creators to directly add orupdate content on a website without involving an IT department or externalcompany. A WCM system therefore empowers members of each department within an organizationto update their own sections on a website,therefore reducing the number of resources involved in the end-to-end processand ensuring that timely updates can be made. WCM systems provideauthoring tools which allow users to edit text and upload images and other media in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what youget) manner, i.e. giving an experience similar to editing text in a wordprocessing application such as Microsoft Word. They often provide approvalmechanisms which can be set up so that several content contributors can submitcontent for approval to a few approvers.Approvers have the ability to publish content to the live website or requestfurther amendments, thus retainingcontrol over what content appears on the website. Hence Content managementsystems are used to make the work-flow and management of websites easier. Theytie together content management, design and implementation, eliminatingmuch of the time and resources required to design and program websites from scratch. Content management systems have becomethe most popular method for website creation, in part for their abilityto incorporate multiple users of varying skill levels with the creation and management of website content.