Article Details

Empirical Study on Development of Nuclear Energy in India and Its Impact on Indian Security | Original Article

Gurpreet Kaur*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The reconciliation of the expansion of nuclear technology and the elimination of nuclear arms would demand that leaders, authorities and the nuclear industry are far more cautious regarding non-proliferation than they have to date. States should specifically be prepared, when the 'risk of proliferation' is perceived to be beyond economic gain, to abandon sensible nuclear technology. The long-term aim should be to prohibit the most critical nuclear technology multilaterally, without prejudice. In the meantime, states that have discarded fragile infrastructure are equipped with political instruments to limit the possibility of anyone searching for similar innovations. The instruments include the will to deal in innovations that are less responsive, the take-back of wasted fuel and the illustration of dumping responsive innovations.