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A Study on Chemical Reactions Related to Ba Sr Mix Iodate | Original Article

Sunil L. Garud*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Strontium oxide iodate, Sr4OI6, has been set up with a strong state response and has been demonstrated to be isostructural with both A4OCl6, where An is Ba or Sr, and Ba4OI Alkaline earth oxide chlorides and oxide bromide, of the overall recipe A4OX6 (A = basic earth X = Cl esteem, Br esteem) are known for their glow properties when the antacid earth is doped with modest quantities of Eu2+ or Pb2+ (Schipper et al) This family has now been extended to the strontium oxide iodate mixes Sr4OI6.Sr4OI6 was ready for a strong state response and is isostructural with Sr4OCl6 (Hage-mann et. al., 1996), Ba4OCl6 (Bergerhoff Goost, 1970) and Ba4OI6 (Barker et. al., 2001). Oxygen is four-composed by Srcations, iodine is four-and ve-facilitated by Srcations, and Sr is eight-composed by one oxygen and seven iodine anions at one site and seven-composed by one oxygen and six iodine anions at the other by and large structure and for the auxiliary iso Ba4OI6 given in Barker et. al. (2001) organizes at every one of these locales.