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Effect of Doping on Performance of Sportspersons | Original Article

Bahadur Singh*, in International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences | Physical Education, Health, Fitness & Sports


Doping or the use of drugs in athletics is not only an elite concern but also more so in athletics. Doping identification puts a significant focus in scientific literature, although the adverse effects on the safety of athletes is seldom addressed by doping officials. Androgenic anabolic steroids are popular for their positive muscle mass and strength effects. Human growth hormone also increases muscle mass, but more extracellular fluid rises, not the actual muscle mass. Growth hormone is not a significant impact on muscle stamina, stamina or aerobic ability for recreational athletes it promotes anaerobic activity. The administration of erythropoietin improves the ability of blood carrying oxygen to boost endurance, whereas systemic control of the beta adrenergic agonist may have a positive effect on sprint performance, and beta adrenergic agonists may minimize muscle trembling. Such medicines can thus enhance the physical output in selective ways. However, most doping agents have serious effects, particularly when combined, at high doses, and for a long time.