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Analysis on HIDS and the Network-Based Intrusion Detection Approach (NIDS) | Original Article

Sheetal Munjal*, Ramesh Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


ANN to investigate the identification of intrusions for presumed certainty as the existing methods are developed using statistical frameworks. The area of ANN, we briefly described the basic building blocks (artificial neurons) of ANN and their transformation from a single artificial neuron to a full ANN. These ANN types will be presented in terms of their general architecture, advantages, disadvantages and applications. The intrusion detection scheme is therefore characterized by two specific classifications of the HIDS and the network-based intrusion detection approach (NIDS). Traditional methods of network intrusion several styles of ANN have been built to be used in many applications. Even for the same form, ANNs are different in terms of transition functions and training approaches.