Article Details

Using Web 2.0 Tools for Design and Development of Digital Libraries | Original Article

Bharti .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The very last 3 decades have noticed a huge change in the area of info as well as library services. The primary reason behind this particular sea change is actually the effect of Information and Communication Technology equipment as well as services which have affected the library services. The newest buzzword in the web community is actually' Web 2.0'. It was enabled by the growth of platforms like blogging, social networking sites, no cost reputation & video uploading, etc. which collectively allowed simple content development as well as sharing by everybody. Hence this particular paper deals with the significance of Web 2.0 in the construction of digital libraries and provides the architecture of Web 2.0 allowed pc user interface system for DSpace digital repository.