Article Details

An Overview Study on Applications of Graph Theory in Computer Science | Original Article

Umesh Kumar Gupta*, Akash Pandey, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Graphs are considered as a superb displaying device which is utilized to demonstrate many kind of relations among any physical circumstance. Numerous issues of genuine world can be spoken to by graphs. This paper investigates various concepts engaged with graph theory and their applications in computer science to exhibit the utility of graph theory. These applications are displayed particularly to extend graph theory and to exhibit its target and significance in computer science building. Graphs, network, imperatives, graph shading, graph drawing. This paper gives a review of the applications of graph theory in heterogeneous fields somewhat yet for the most part centers around the computer science applications that utilizations graph hypothetical concepts. Different papers dependent on graph theory have been considered identified with booking concepts, computer science applications and an outline has been introduced here.