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Dialectal Comparison between Oriental and Occidental Cultures | Original Article

Kamal .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Moving toward the strain among Orient and Occident that so agitates us today, we experience an unpredictable blend of various types of conflicts, alongside their separate cases of proof economic interests, sociological contrasts among elites, and spiritual hostilities. Every field reinforces and exasperates the other(s). In any case, this association of economic, sociological, and spiritual pressures has consistently manifested itself in all the incredible wars over humanity. The disposition of the present conflict comprises in this pressure having gotten worldwide, including the whole Planet. It is accordingly even more critical for us to understand in severe terms the genuine historical structure of this pressure. We talk about a conflict among East and West. We are clearly alluding here not to geographic resistance essentially. Later in the course of our discussion we will take up the contrast between a (worldwide) pressures communicated in bipolar terms versus historical dialectical ones. However the conflict among Orient and Occident is definitely not a bipolar one. Earth has a North and South Pole, yet not an East and West one. Geographically, in our earthly globe the EastWest resistance is liquid and vague it only represents the rhythmic movement of a little night and a little day. This Article is Dialectal comparison Between Oriental and Occidental Cultures.