Article Details

A Study on Participation of Women’s in Indian Electoral Politics | Original Article

Anand Kumar*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


In India, women's political involvement is not remarkable compared to men. In most countries around the world, this is the case. Political participation by women today, however, is quite motivating compared to older times. It's better than ever today. In India, however, women with decision-making powers always come from urban and elite groups. Also today, the Indian Parliament's representation of women is far from adequate. Women in legislative bodies have been seeking more space. Within a brief historical context defining the origins of women's electoral participation in India, the paper provides a time series study of women's voting patterns, showing that there has never been a concerted effort by political parties to mobilize women voters on any topic related to women in either national or state elections. Political parties ' pledges in their gender-related manifestos remain cliché and after the hustings are conveniently forgotten. India's failure to pass the Women's Reservation Bill is described as the most telling testimony to the lack of seriousness among political parties to better take into account the increasing participation of women in elections participations.