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A Brief Study of Feminism as a Movement | Original Article

Inderjeet .*, Mukesh Kumar, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The definition of the term ‘feminism’ differs from person to person. According to the French models of feminism, it implies sexual expression. If we take into account the British models, all feminists slowly become respectable, or acclaimed into the male world order. If we consider American models, they are more outspoken. Chaman Nahal in his article, “Feminism in English Fiction”, defines feminism as “a mode of existence in which the woman is free of the dependence syndrome. There is a dependence syndrome whether it is the husband or the father or the community or whether it is a religious group, ethnic group. When women free themselves of the dependence syndrome and lead a normal life, my idea of feminism materialises.