Article Details

Stress among Married Women Employees with and Without Children | Original Article

Asha H.*, Sreenivas M., in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Stress is worldwide phenomenon, seen across all areas of life and among all age groups. it’s an major areas of research. Stress has both harmful physical and emotional responses. Due to changes in society many women prefer working .women still have to perform their traditional role or duties at home which in turn increase the stress, balancing the responsibilities at work and home is making women more stressed. The present study aims to assess occupational stress among married women employees with and without children. A study was conducted on 200 women employees working in Bangalore. Their occupational stress was assessed by administering occupational stress index developed by A .K Srivastava and A.P Singh. Personal stress was assessed Singh’s personal stress source inventory developed by Arun Kumar singh(2004) A Suitable stastical technique was used to analyzess the obtained results