Article Details

Economic Impact of Urbanisation in the Post Liberalization ERA – A Case Study of Villages in OMR, Chennai | Original Article

V. Saranya*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The developing country urbanization is a population shift from rural to urban areas, and the ways in which society adapts to the change. It is main development of the some physical structure of the in India be it horizontal or vertical. The Indian projected that half of the world's population would live in urban areas at the end of 2018. It is predicted that by 2060 about 65 of the developing world and 85 of the developed world will be urbanized. Urbanization is dealt with by a range of disciplines like geography, sociology, economics, urban planning, and public health. The phenomenon has been closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process. This study deals with the urbanisation and its economic impact.