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MCDM in the Selection of Doctor for an Illness: An Application of Electre | Original Article

Arman Rasool Faridi*, in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology | Science & Technology


ELECTRE stands for “ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité (Elimination and Choice Expressing reality)” and is one of the most famous Multiple-criteria decision analysis technique. In contrast to previous optimization strategies, which comprise in figuring the problem as a cost function and in finding the optimum solution, here a comparison of every pair is done, the criterion by criterion advancing an inclination of a response to another and gives ranking matrix. In this paper ELECTRE method has been used and implemented in MATLAB to help give the rank of doctors and to identify which one is the best suited for someone’s need based on criteria like cost, location, experience, etc. Experimental results have been discussed.