Article Details

Impact of Social Media on Students: A Study of Kurukshetra University | Original Article

Tanya .*, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The world of today may be considered as a global village where everyone is connected to one another with the help of the vast network generated by the Internet. In earlier times, the communication among the people was restricted by different elements such as long distance, nationality andor religion. Presently, these barriers are not able to stop the flow of information and knowledge from one person to another. In the present era, the new world of social networking sites allows free sharing of information and knowledge. Online social networks have been developed by so many social networking sites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagrame etc. As students are the part of society and they also use social networking sites. Considering all these elements, the present study has been conducted to evaluate the impact of social media on students and their education. The present study is based on primary data which have been collected through questionnaire. The techniques used for data analysis are descriptive statistic, cross tabulation, Cronbach alpha.