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Causes of Variation In Human Intelligence Sensational Behaviors Mood Disorders |

Rachna Singh, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


A mood disorder is the term given for agroup of diagnoses in the DSM IV TRclassification system where a disturbance in the person's emotionalmood is hypothesized to be the main underlying feature The classificationis known as mood (affective) disordersin ICD 10. English psychiatrist HenryMaudsley proposed an overarching category of affective disorder. The term was then replaced by mood disorder, as the latter termrefers to the underlying or longitudinal emotional state, whereas the formerrefers to the external expression observed by others. Two groups of mooddisorders are broadly recognized; the division is based on whether the personhas ever had a manicor hypomanicepisode. Thus, there are depressive disorders, of which the best known and mostresearched is major depressive disorder commonly calledclinical depression or major depression, and bipolardisorder, formerly known as "manic depression" and described byintermittent periods of manic and depressed episodes.