Check Plagiarism |

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas, but the terms like "Copying" and "Borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offence.

Facts About Plagiarism

A study by The Center for Academic Integrity found that almost 80% of college students admit to cheating at least once.

According to a survey by the Psychological Record, 36% of undergraduates have admitted to plagiarizing written material.

A poll conducted by US News & World Reports found that 90% of students believe that cheaters are either never caught or have never been appropriately disciplined.

The State of Americans: This Generation and the Next (Free Press, July 1996) states that 58.3% of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5% did so in 1989.

A study conducted by Ronald M. Aaron & Robert T. Georgia: Administrator Perceptions of Student Academic Dishonesty in Collegiate Institutions found that 257 chief student affairs officers across the country believe that colleges and universities have not addressed the cheating problem adequately.

According to the Gallup Organization (October 6-9, 2000), the top two problems facing the country today are: 1) Education; and 2) Decline in Ethics (both were ranked over crime, poverty, drugs, taxes, guns, environment, and racism, to name a few).

A national survey published in Education Week found that 54% of students admitted to plagiarizing from the internet; 74% of students admitted that at least once during the past school year they had engaged in "Serious" cheating; and 47% of students believe their teachers sometimes choose to ignore students who are cheating. Although many instructors are aware of the problem, most feel powerless to stop it.

A study conducted by Donald L. McCabe titled Faculty Responses to Academic Dishonesty: The Influence of Honor Codes found that 55% of faculty "Would not be willing to devote any real effort to documenting suspected incidents of student cheating".


In order to safeguard the quality of its publications, Ignited Minds Journals has developed a new policy on Publishing Integrity. In line with the philosophy of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) we follow the principle that we have a prime duty to maintain the integrity of the scientific record.

By providing policy as / on ‘Plagiarism & Originality Guidelines’, we aim to optimally assist Journal Managers, Editors, Section Editors, Copy Editors, Layout Editors, Proof Readers, Subscription Managers, Reviewers, Readers (Subscribers and Individuals), Authors as well as Editors-In-Chief with this heavy task – ‘Zero Instances of Plagiarism within Ignited Minds Journals ’.