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Depression: A Definition | Original Article

Kum Swati Patni*, Bal Vidya Prakash, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


The most prevalent affective illness is depression, which may vary in severity from a very mild state bordering on normalcy to a severe disease accompanied by delusions and hallucinations. Depression is a substantial contributor to disability and early mortality on a global scale. Depression symptoms occur when our negative responses to life's circumstances become too frequent and powerful over time. Numerous circumstances in life arise, and we react to them with both good and negative emotions including enthusiasm, frustration, fear, happiness, rage, and sorrow. In practically all age groups and professions, depression is common. The most sad people in the world come from India. A WHOsponsored survey found that although over 36 of Indians reported having MDE, just 9 of respondents in India reported having had a prolonged episode of depression throughout their lives.