Article Details

Status of Women in Shashi Deshpande’s Novels | Original Article

Arvind Kumar Dubey*, Aditi Dutta, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


One benefit of feminist is that women's roles and position in society have gained attention and are now important concerns. It reframed the problems in a way that sparked a massive, rational conversation and called attention to many facets of women's involvement in history. Literature enthusiastically embraced this free discussion and helped to raise topics from a variety of angles as a carrier of ideas. Indian literature may also claim a very rich legacy in this way, although a significant part is unquestionably much influenced by western concept. In an effort to preserve the option of choosing and free sex without providing a true notion of the outcome, the family and the institution of marriage have come under vehement attack, even without a justifiable justification. To evaluate Shashi Deshpande's books in this respect is the task of the current test. To select the focus of the problems relating to family and the basis of marriage, it is necessary to balancely consider the role and position of Indian women.