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Extensive Secure Cloud Storage System Supporting Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing |

Mounica Doosetty, Keerthi Kodakandla, Ashok R, Shoban Babu Sriramoju, in International Journal of Information Technology and Management | IT & Management


Several tendencies areaperture up the era of cloud computing which is an Internet-based expansion anduse of computer technology. The still cheaper and more controlling processors,together with the Software as a Service (SaaS) computing architecture, arechanging data centres into pools of computing service on an enormous scale. Themounting network bandwidth and reliable yet bendy network connections make iteven potential that users can now pledge high quality services from data andsoftware that inhabit solely on distant data centres. In organize to achievethe assurance of cloud data reliability and availability and impose the qualityof cloud storage service, we believe the problem of build a secure cloudstorage service on top of a communal cloud infrastructure where the checkprovider is not finally trusted by the customer. We illustrate, at a high levelcontract signing protocol that join modern and non-standard cryptographicprimitives in order to accomplish our goal.