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A Comparative Analysis on Tensiometer Structured Suction Handle System For Lab Testing of Unsaturated Soils |

Prabhudev Mandi, Dr. H. K. Sharma, in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology | Science & Technology


This paper exhibits the improvement of an automated Tensiometerbased suction control system for testing unsaturated soil tests. The system hasthe ability to dry and wet soil, while measuring suction (pore water pressure –air pressure) and water content. The system utilization air flow inside a shutcircle to dry the dirt, or water infusion to wet the dirt, to accomplish theobliged pore water pressure while the air pressure is kept climatic. Pore waterpressure is controlled by utilizing a sentiment computer system that dries orwets soil specimens consistent with estimations got from specimen mounted highsuction Tensiometer. Overabundance moisture buzzing around flow circle iscaught by an in-line moisture trap comprising of a fixed unit holding adesiccant (silica gel), which is set on an electronic balance to give nonstopestimations of held water. Progressions of the specimen water substance aremeasured as the distinction between the measure of water infused and that heldby the moisture trap. The system is completely automated and runs controlled bysoftware with least aid. The proposed suction control system presents points ofinterest over the routine pivot interpretation system as it dodges thenecessity for hoisted pore air pressures and henceforth better repeats theregular courses of action of wetting and drying of soils. The system wasproduced for utilization in a triaxial unit, however could likewise be utilizedwith different instruments and for the determination of water maintenancecurves.