Article Details

Development and Validation of Scale to Assess the Entrepreneurial Skills of Graduate Students |

Sridevi K., Dr. Rathna H., Dr. Suresh K. P., in International Journal of Information Technology and Management | IT & Management


Skill is thought of as a quality ofperformance which does not depend solely upon a person’s fundamental, innate capacitiesbut must be developed through training, practice and experience.Entrepreneurial skills are the basic skills necessary to enable you start,develop, finance and succeed in your home enterprise. Various validationmeasures such as face validity, content validity, construct validity,criterion-related and discriminate validity ware employed to standardize thequestionnaire to measure the entrepreneurial skill among graduate students. Thefactor analysis was used to assess the factors in the constructed scale .Thereliability of scale was found to be 0.7707 and the explorative factorsanalysis confirmed the four dimensions (factors) present in the scale. The fourfactors were general (30 statements), Managerial (30 statements), Manufacturing(25 statements) and marketing (25 statements).The Questionnaire with 110statements is developed and validated for measuring the entrepreneurial skillsamong graduates.