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A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Soil Strength |

Sebok, in Journal of Advances in Science and Technology | Science & Technology


– Inmany cases, changes in the water contents were not a significant factor in theprediction of soil strength. This may be a reflection of the limitedcapabilities of the equations, the uniform equilibration of soil-waterpotential of the soils, or the fact that the slope of the strength vs. bulkdensity curve is independent of water content over the range of samplesconsidered. Nevertheless, it does simplify the equations and may suggest that aseries of several equations for different soil types would be better than asingle equation that requires soil-water content. Researchresults have shown that both approaches to describing vehicle trafficability ofcohesive soils describe the soil strength of forest wilderness in a similar wayand provide a good basis for developing a trafficability evaluation system, asa future task of forest engineering. Thesoil cone index and shear strength values calculated in this research do notconcur with the classes ofEcoWood soil strength classification arid indicatethat the limits aid ranges of these parameters are questionable. The problem ofdefining the threshold values of soil strength parameters covered by thisresearch will be the subject of future investigations. Theshears strength of a soil mass is the internal resistance per unit area thatthe soil mass can other to resist failure and sliding along any plane insideit. One must understand the nature of shearing resistance in order to analyzeoil stability problems such as bearing capacity, slope stability, and lateralpressure on earth retaining structures.