Article Details

Implementation of Swaranjayanty Gram Swarojgar Yojana |

Karamvir, in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


A close involvementof different agencies is essential for the success of Swarnjayanti GramSwarozgarYojana (SGSY).  SGSY isimplemented by District Rural Development Agencies (DRDAs) through thePanchayatiSamitis and with the active involvement of other Panchayati RajInstitutions, the banks, the line departments and the NGOs. The DRDAsco-ordinate the implementation of the programme.  In particular, their roles are critical inorganization of the Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their capacity building as wellas in terms of co-ordination with the technical institutions for technology andtraining, the banks for planning and credit mobilization, the line departmentsfor infrastructure and technical follow up as well as in co-ordinating themarketing activities.